Monday, February 9, 2009 | |

Divine Tobacoo


A Good News For Smokers

Sutiman B. Sumitro & G . Zahar

The Philosophy and Basic Ideas

This is news about the invention toward Healthy Tobacco, a transformation of Toxic Tobacco into Divine Tobacco. The idea is based on the fundamental atomic and quantum ideas of modern physics. Science is essentially simple, but usually facing a great problem to be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone. Somehow, this is one thing that we also faced. We try to announce ideas and research findings about a healthy Tobacco which might considerably being controversial. We are strongly motivated at the point by Albert Einstein’s saying: It should be possible to explain the law of Physics to a barmaid

We succeed in transforming Toxic Tobacco into Divine Tobacco by taking advantage of positive characters of Hg (atomic) particulates in Tobacco smoke. Toxic Tobacco smoke has constituent of solid and huge number of velocities compounds containing Hg which are small and misted. The invention exactly facilitate gas to change the other poison (NH3, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, hydrogen cyanide (HCN), volatile aldehyde, benzene vapor, acetone, vinyl chloride, unsaturated hydrocarbons as well as particulates (Tar, nicotine, metals (e.g. cadmium, nickel, lead, iron, chromium, arsenic, phenols/semi-quinones/quinines, hydrocarbons radicals such as benzopyrene, benzanthracene, chrysene) to become smoke with very small sized (nano-size) particles having energetic potentials which are enable to generate complex structure. These Divine Tobacco’s smoke particles found out to be considerable friendly to people, able to chance polluted environment. Further research is now undergoing to develop evidence for medicine, nano food aimed to overcome food crises etc. We call this particle as smart particle or nano particle’s as illustrated below:


Divine Nanostructure

The Benefit of Devine Nanostructure of tobacco is the characteristic of its molecular which have the intra spin-spin interaction of the conjugated di-HO•-Phenanthrenedienyl having large electron density in which the electron is very mobile. The huge molecule block (nanostructure) constructed is stable and become the transducer for Hg captured in nicotine due to its sensitizer character. These molecule blocks eliminate the toxicity of Hg. The sunlight energy kept excited Hg* in the center of nicotine where energy is used to separate an electron from the opposite charge (called a hole). The electron is pushed quite a long way from the hole and is captured by another nanostructure (one of them are phenanthrenes). This very complex Fe3+--O2- permit charge recombination in such a way that energy of combination is filtered off.

These are characters of particulates of nanostructure of the Divine Tobacco Smoke:

  1. Higher velocity of smoke
  2. Transluent blue fluorescence color (not misted)
  3. Deodorant (Odorless)
  4. Preservatives
  5. High Refractive polymer
  6. Higher birefringence as compared to its constituents


The idea of Joe Hupp for artificial molecular Metal Square (figured below) might be designed into friendly nanostructure when the Tobacco smoke is introduced with human body in which millions of aromatic compounds as well as large number of metals (Fe, Zn, Re etc.) are available.


Joe Hupp’s artificial

Molecular Metal Square


The Central Power of Divine Nano particles is Hg which has advantages in able to used its energy to separate the electron from the positive center.


Mercury in Tobacco

Recently there are many reports saying that Mercury (Hg) is contained in Tobacco smoke. This idea is considerably important for us to come into a concept that poison in Tobacco smoke is mainly caused by mercury (Hg). In the past years, mercury had not been considered being Tobacco toxicant. This is due to the character of mercury which make problem of its detection when it is observed under available instrumentations. The facts that Hg is easily sublime in gaseous phase, and acting as sensitizer chanced wave packets when absorb light, makes the available measuring devices which always based on radiance resulted non accurate and limited account. For all this reason we suggested and offered a new indirect method (called as UVAL) to analyzed mercury qualitatively. In tobacco plants, Hg has a strong dwelling in nicotine as alkaloid group of tobacco with many metals content (e.g. Calcium, Lead, Nickel, and Chum) as amalgamate. Excited mercury from the environment is captured and hidden in the pyridine nucleus, and Hg surrounds induce phenanthrene to excite. The position of Hg under UV irradiation in other aromatic compound may excite the compounds to become radical large molecule of the misted Tobacco smoke having velocities are slower as compared with light speed.

We are coming into conclusion that the Hg poisons in Tobacco defect more environments, and no effect on cancer but only as completer synergist toxicity nature. In case of cancer, we suggest the main caused of cancer is amalgamate including metal amalgamated dental filling or crown as well as thimerosal containing Hg use as preservative in vaccine.“ Grams of mercury are put in the mouth of individuals with some amalgam fillings”. Mercury vapor and particles escape from amalgam fillings more than 10 years to different areas in the body. The Hg radicals along with other radical compounds in the human cell will induce biradical structure making some molecular distortion such as miss folding of the proteins and genetic (DNA) mutations. Such compounds absorb UV very fast, keeping the UV energy then able to transfer the energy to the DNA, RNA, protein etc which producing radicals.



Our research in handling the detoxification of metal to special needs (SN) children, as autism, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc. which have been reported has indicated to be connected, that it is caused by mercury in thimerosal vaccine preservation. The carrying parents of amalgam with patched mercury tooth and crown are also the main caused of SN children. The successive level of chronic diseases and of special needs children are:

  1. Amalgam tooth patch, crown, which remain in the tooth/or mouth for 24 hours daily/all one’s life.
  2. Infant of 1 day – 2 years who consume thimerosal which is used as vaccine preservation (in total consumed by children 232 mg Hg in a vaccine for 2 years.

Research conducted to SN children proved that the level of the serious problem of the children is determined by the quantity of amalgam available in the tooth of both parents:

Father and mother with amalgam tooth and crown ( during pregnancy )

+ one smoker + 2 years vaccine ++++

Father and mother with amalgam tooth

( during pregnancy )

+ one smoker + 2 years vaccine ++++

Father and mother with amalgam tooth

( during pregnancy )

+ 2 years vaccine +++

Father smoker and mother with amalgam tooth ( during pregnancy )

+ 2 years vaccine +++

Father smoker

+ 2 years vaccine ++

Father and mother free of amalgam

( during pregnancy ) and no smoker

+ 2 years of vaccine could be - /+

Father smoker but no vaccine

– ( negative ). Except when living close to gas operation, traditional gold miners.

Conclusion from the data collected including from the family of patients, it turned out that amalgam tooth or crown carried by parents during pregnancy are the main factor, and thimerosal as second. As to Tobaccos, with high Hg content, accelerate or increase the process of chronic disease, special needs (CP). (Please also refer to Boyd E, Haley, .PhD, in Opinion Report on Mercury Toxicity from Dental Amalgams and thimerosal, Presented to Congressional Hearing, 8 May 2003)

Research with proofs globally always focuses only on the result of disease not the cause. Medical research in the world healed the symptom not the root or caused problem. Tobaccos are a main product of Indonesia. From the early age our ancestor are smokers. Indonesia is a tobacco exporter number two in the world. About 80% of Indonesia male livings in the village, including the youth are smokers, how ever they almost do not experience chronic diseases, as they never patched their tooth with amalgam and normally as Tradition only pulled out their painful tooth. The middle class people and up indeed have autism children, Down syndrome, chronic disease, cancer, stroke etc. as they have amalgam tooth and the children always got vaccine during 2 years. Amazing those meetings on amalgam and Thimerosal have been conducted in America since 1930 until now, but the WHO still permits the use amalgam (1854). Although vaccines with Thimerosal content, which have been prohibited by Law in California in 2003, e.g. polio vaccine, are still permitted to be used in under develop countries, even provided for free in Indonesia lately.

Concluding Remarks and Highlighted Opinions

The import of Tobaccos into develop countries are tightened, by socializing the danger of poison in advertisements, which extremely are frightening. No single advertisement mentioned that amalgam tooth filling are the caused of diseases, including Thimerosal in vaccine which resulting in NS children, ever debate of these disease Hg problem almost one century.

Expecting the act of World Health Organization (WHO): as jury.

Reasonably WHO must be a just Jury in settlement of the dispute of controversial opinion? We would like to urge to any bodies and allied institutions for taking the following actions:

1. A survey should be conducted on smokers in rural areas in Indonesia, where normally group of people 80% of them including the youth are smokers, but they do not have amalgam tooth, or smokers who got vaccine. Complain of their health is mostly caused due to lack of nutrition. People in rural areas are simple people, who do not know dentist and therefore are also not familiar with dental treatment including with amalgam fillings.

2. Cancer scientist, smoker observers, necessary even to take on focus either of the dental amalgam fillings or crown from their object, “ Smokers”

WHO as the proper international body indeed should provide a fair and just comment on our research findings? Please also treat citizen of the under develop countries fairly.

Message for the anti smokers journal:

Please resurvey smokers, cancer patients whether they also have amalgam filling in their tooth or crown, or they previously got a thimerosal vaccine for 2 years. Writings which reported Tobaccos causing cancer must be supplemented with data whether or not said smokers have amalgam filling in their tooth and or thimerosal.

Considerable sites for further inquiries and references

Environmental Working Group (EWG)

Mercury amalgam debate

Congresswoman Diane E. Watson
